Tuesday, 26 October 2010

SaaS Cloud Computing - Why oh Why?

SaaS Cloud computing (Software as a Service) offers many benefits. But like many things in life, it isn't perfect.

The key benefits of SaaS compared to on-premise packages include: [...read more...]

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

SaaS Cloud Computing - The Security Question

Earlier today I attended a session at Softworld about Cloud Computing. This had a panel of users and vendors (providers). What was clear when they contradicted each other was that even these "experts" don't know all they need to know about cloud computing - and I mean "need to know", if they (and you) are to gain the benefits without excessive pain at some stage.

That's not a criticism of these people, as the cloud is a relatively new fangled thing. However for those of us who have been using SaaS (Software as a Service) applications in front line business for over ten years, we have had our parts bitten, and know first hand what matters. [...read more...]

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

SaaS Cloud Computing - The Hype, The Truth and The Wardrobe

Last evening I had a long chat with the MD of a SaaS (Software as a Service) business. His company specialises in Service Management for larger businesses with 20-500 engineers out in the field. If his SaaS system goes down, thousands of engineers would be left twiddling their thumbs. His customers' businesses would literally grind to a halt. That's "business critical"!

He had taken his company's on-premise solution and converted it to run in the cloud. His customers have the luxury of sitting down with their SaaS provider to cover the service in minute detail. With customers that demanding, he knows absolutely what is needed for "business critical".[...read more...]

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

SaaS Cloud Computing – Is It Worth The Hype?

As with every other generation of computing, SaaS (Software as a Service) cloud computing is portrayed as wonderful. Best thing since sliced bread. Or at least since silicon chips.

But does it live up to the hype?

It’s clear that there are substantial benefits with SaaS cloud computing. We looked at some of them before, including [...read more...]